Books I Love

1 comment:

  1. Well, after giving birth to seven children of course the figure goes a little bit!!!!!I have always admired your lovely pictures, so if you are feeling a bit low about your weight its good to get to grips with it.. I am joined up to a doctors weigh in every month and that helps.. since september I have lost 6 kilos, so just going every month seems to help... plus in cutting down the cals I have found a cuppa soup made in a very large cup certainly helps me fight the need to nibble and it cuts down the cals as its usually less that 100 each cup.. my husband has taken to eating soup every day and he is losing too.. I am sure with all those boys you are running yourself off your feet... so relax, that was christmas.. it will all come right in the end... goodness me, you have had enough worries to overcome and that makes the body to go into saving mode... just in case of starvation!! .. another thing is portion size.. mine were always man sized.. now its a bread and butter plate size!! good luck anyway, Janzi


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